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About Hyperglycemia:

Hyperglycemia is the medical word for high blood glucose or blood sugar. Blood sugar occurs if the body has little insulin or if the body can't utilize insulin correctly.

Hyperglycemia is the medical term explaining an unusually high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. Blood sugar is measured in a sample of blood taken from vein or from a finger sample of blood. It could be measured in the laboratories either blood tests or alone, or it could be measured by a handheld glucometer, a tiny device that let frequent checking of blood glucose stages with no need of a doctor's office or laboratory.

Hyperglycemia is a hallmark symbol of diabetes for both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes. General ranges for blood glucose measurements may differ slightly among different laboratories, but in common a fasting (early a.m. before breakfast) glucose level is considered ordinary when it is between 70 - 100 mg/dL. Glucose level may be rise slightly above this range after meals. Randomly blood glucose measurements are generally lower than 125 mg/dL.

It is difficult for patients who check glucose levels at residence to be aware of which units of measurement their testing kits use. Glucose levels are measured in 2 types:

Millimoles per litre (mmol/l) are the SI standard units followed in most countries in the world.

Milligrams per decilitre (mg/dl) are used in a few countries such as the USA, Egypt, Colombia, France, and Japan. It can be obtain by multiplying mmol/L by 18.

Scientific journals are moving in the direction of using mmol/l; some journals currently use mmol/l as the main unit but quote mg/dl in parentheses.

Glucose levels differ before meals and after meals, and at different times of the day; the description of "normal" differ among medical professionals. In general, the normal range for the majority people (fasting adults) is about 4 to 6 mmol/l  or 80 to 110 mg/dl. (where 80 mg/dl is "optimal".) A topic with a reliable range more than 7 mmol/l or 126 mg/dl is usually held to having hyperglycemia, where as consistent below 70 mg/dl or 4 mmol/l is considered as hypoglycemic. In fasting adults (persons), plasma glucose in blood must not above 126 mg/dL. Sustained higher levels of blood sugar reason damage to the blood vessels and to the organs they supply, leads to the diabetes.
Chronic hyperglycemia be able to be measured through the HbA1c test. The description of acute hyperglycemia differ by study, with mmol/l levels from 8 to 15

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